Plan Colombia: Cashing-In on the Drug War Failure
20 years of US “war-on-drugs” in Colombia paid for by U.S. tax-payers. Still, more and more drugs and narco-dollars are entering the US every year.
Is it a failure or a smokescreen by Washington to secure Colombia’s oil & natural resources instead? Now that the U.S. State Department officially shifted its priority in Colombia from “counter-narcotics” to “counter-insurgency” conveniently dubbed “anti-terrorism”, what is left today of the alleged anti-drug purpose of the U.S. “Plan Colombia”?
While cocaine trafficking and money-laundering are skyrocketing to unseen proportions, is the current U.S. “oil” administration even concerned with fighting drugs in Colombia, another top oil supplier to the U.S., when its U.S.-friendly regime is being threatened by powerful leftist guerrilla groups?
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