Cosmic Journeys
Cutting-edge stories about the origins of the universe, black holes, exploding stars, the search for ET life, and the nature of the planets.
How did the universe begin? Where will it end? Are there other worlds like Earth?
A groundbreaking series combs the rubble of exploding stars and the collision of worlds in search of answers to our most searching questions about the cosmos.
Crashing into the Moon. Half a dozen countries are launching missions to the Moon to pave the way for a permanent human presence.
Attack of the Sun. Massive solar eruptions could threaten our high-tech society.
The Asteroid that Flattened Mars. Just about every two years, the planet Mars makes its closest approach to Earth around 36 million miles.
Super Hurricanes. Why some tropical storms erupt into monster hurricanes capable of wrecking coastlines. Can they be predicted?
Saturn’s Mysterious Moons. Some 900 million miles from the Sun in the outer regions of our Solar System orbiting the planet Saturnlies a mysterious world.
The Largest Black Holes in the Universe. We’ve never seen them directly, yet we know they are there, lurking within dense star clusters or wandering the dust lanes of the galaxy, where they prey on stars, or swallow planets whole.
How Large is the Universe? The universe has long captivated us with its immense scales of distance and time. How far does it stretch? Where does it end and what lies beyond its star fields and streams of galaxies extending as far as telescopes can see?
When Will Time End? Time is flying by on this busy, crowded planet as life changes and evolves from second to second. And yet, even the life span of the human species is just a blip compared to the age of the universe, at 13.7 billion years and counting.
The Incredible Journey of Apollo 12. It’s the ultimate buddy movie. Forty years ago, on November 19, 1969, astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean landed on the moon in one of the most important of the Apollo flights.
Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy. From a distance, our galaxy would look like a flat spiral, some 100,000 light years across, with pockets of gas, clouds of dust, and about 400 billion stars rotating around the galaxys center.
The Search For Earth-Like Planets. The search for Earth-like planets is reaching a fever-pitch. Does the evidence so far help shed light on the ancient question: Is the galaxy filled with life, or is Earth just a beautiful, lonely aberration?
Voyage to Pandora: Humanity’s First Interstellar Flight. Pandora is the idyllic blue world featured in the movie Avatar. Its location is a real place: Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to our Sun and the most likely destination for our first journey beyond the solar system.
Hubble 20 Years of Space-Shattering Discoveries. NASA’s tribute to the Hubble Space Telescope on its 20th anniversary in space. This beautiful video surveys the incredible accomplishments of this revolutionary instrument: everybody’s favorite telescope.
Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity. Can you feel the pull? This cutting-edge production features high-resolution visualizations of black holes and other cosmic phenomena based on data generated by telescope observations and ultra-high end computer simulations.
Watch the full documentary now
(playlist contains all 14 small episodes from this series)
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