Gearing Up
Gearing Up introduces four teams of high school students participating in Robotics competition. This documentary chronicles behind-the-scenes drama and excitement leading up to the Robotics National Competition. Teams receive identical robot kits with no instructions and have just six weeks to build a robot capable of performing specific tasks.
Teams have come together for different reasons and work together differently. Miss Daisy is from Wissahickon High School in Ambler, Pennsylvania and is the most veteran team featured. Rambotics are from Ridge View Academy in Watkins, Colorado.
This all boys team from a correctional facility has something to prove to themselves and their community. Ratchet Rockers are from Holt High School and Timberland High School in Wentzville, Missouri in their fourth year of competition.
RoboDoves are from Western High School, an all girls team from an all girl school in Baltimore, Maryland.
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